‘Restoration of respect’: Human rights must be at forefront of Malaysia’s GE14

In the lead up to the general election, candidates must work towards the “restoration of respect” and commit to the “protection of human rights,” as vulnerable groups continue to face persecution and civic space continues to shrink in Malaysia, Amnesty International said today.

Presenting their report, Malaysia: 8-Point Human Rights Agenda for GE14 Election Candidates, the rights group outlined eight human rights concerns they want parliament-seat candidates to place at the centre of their election campaign.

Top of the list was freedom of expression and the implementation of restrictive laws that Amnesty says are used to “harass, detain and prosecute peaceful critics.”

Freedom of expression

Pointing specifically to the recently introduced Anti Fake News Act, the rights groups fears the law could mean a heavier crackdown on dissent as “offenders” face heavy fines and jail time. The fear of this will be enough to further suppress free speech, on top of the already restrictive existing legislation.

Those human rights defenders and peaceful dissenters who have already been targeted should be allowed their right to free movement, the group said, mentioning cartoonist Zunar by name as he is currently subject to a travel ban stopping him from leaving Malaysia.

Ending capital punishment and deaths in custody

The death penalty continues to be used in Malaysia and remains a contentious issue. Amnesty continues to push for the punishment to be abolished and for a moratorium on all executions to be implemented immediately while the procedure to abolish is being discussed in parliament.

“Although we welcome the government’s recent amendment to the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, it does little to bring Malaysia’s death penalty laws in line with international law and standards,” said Gwen Lee, Interim Executive Director, Amnesty International Malaysia.

“It still allows for the mandatory death penalty to be imposed in many other circumstances and provides for life imprisonment and the cruel punishment of a mandatory 15 lashes of whipping as the only available sentencing alternative.”

The treatment of those in detention is also of concern and election candidates should ensure each report is thoroughly investigated to determine cases of torture and inhumane treatment by police.

SEE ALSO: ‘Irregularities’ in electoral process deprive Malaysians of free and fair elections

To ensure this happens, candidates must push for an independent external police oversight body to take charge of complaints of misconduct.

Over 1,600 deaths happened in custody in Malaysia between 2010 and February 2016. While many are down to natural causes, such as cancer, Lee believes there are many cases that a result of torture, and inhumane and degrading treatment.

 Protecting individuals who seek refuge

The fair treatment of those in detention goes beyond those in police custody and applies to vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers.

“Malaysia has a long-standing history of confining refugees such as those from Myanmar and Bangladesh in detention centres with appalling poor conditions as well as not providing them basic human rights such as education and employment,” Lee said.

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