Plateau killings: Arrest Miyetti Allah’s leaders, sack service chiefs now – HEKAN Church

The United Church of Christ in Nations, HEKAN, has condemned in totality the recent killings of innocent citizens by suspected Fulani militia in Barkin Ladi, Riyom and Jos South Local Government Areas of Plateau state and Dowaya and Bare communities of Numan local government of Adamawa State.

In a press statement signed by the President of the Church, Reverend Amos G. Kiri, HEKAN said that the killings were senseless and inhuman.

Reverend Amos Kiri called on President Muhammadu Buhari to overhaul the nation’s security chiefs for their inability to adequately curtail gruesome murder that has been going on in many parts of the country.

He noted, “The Federal Government must step up security measures in order to end the wanton killings of innocent citizens and destruction of property across the country.”

The Church condemned the statement credited to Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, MACBAC, that the attack was retaliation for the killing of cattle.

“This leaves one to wonder when the life of an animal, a cow for that matter becomes more valuable than a human life in Nigeria.

“The recent attacks by suspected herdsmen in Adamawa and Plateau States and other vulnerable states is an attempt to break our renewed bond of friendship that cut across religious and ethnic lines and to also disrupt the peace enjoyed by all in the affected states.

“As a church with one voice, we condemn in strong terms this horrible and gruesome murder of innocent men, women and children who went about their normal and routine business of seeking just and honest means of livelihood. Government must rise to its responsibility of protecting lives and property irrespective of any differences.

“The condemnation of these attacks by the security operatives mandated to protect the lives of the citizens is not enough. The culprits should be arrested, prosecuted in a competent court of law and allow the law of the land to take its cause.

“The arrest should start with the Miyetti Allah leadership who has owned up for the attacks by their unguarded statement.

“The killings in Numan, Numan local government of Adamawa state have left much to be desired due to its frequent reoccurrences. We are saddened that up till now, nobody has been taken to court for these killings.

“We believe there will never be any justifiable reason for such attacks and violence on innocent citizens. We believe and see this as another attempt to further break down the trust and confidence amongst communities of the two states and a deliberate desire to sow a seed of discord in the hearts of citizens of these communities and the nation as a whole.

“HEKAN Church commends and appreciates the resilience of the attacked communities who did not give rooms to disorderliness, reprisal attacks and violence to excel as the perpetrators have so wished,” the Church lamented.

HEKAN called on the Federal Government to as a matter of urgency, order a coordinated air raid and ground attack on the identified soft spots around the country, especially in Adamawa, Plateau, Taraba, Benue, Zamfara and Birnin Gwari in Kaduna State to get rid of these criminals and other crime related persons from their hideouts.

The statement added, “HEKAN as matter of urgency, wish to call on the President of this great country, Muhammadu Buhari to urgently overhaul the entire nation’s security outfit for their inability to adequately curtail gruesome murder that has been going on in many parts of this country unabated.”

HEKAN, the statement explained would continue to preach, work and pray for peace across the country.

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